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What is SIF?

"SIF" stands for "Středoevropský Institut Filosofie" ("The Central-European Institute of Philosophy"). The Institute promotes philosophy and transdisciplinary research. It achieves its goals through a specific curriculum and research, emphasizing the transdisciplinary and intercultural aspects and international cooperation. Furthermore,it hosts workshops and conferences,participates in several publishing activities and promotes the exchange of students and professors.

The Current Crisis of Europe from the Point of View of Phenomenology

an international conference to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Jan Patočka Archives in Prague

Prague, May 15th-16th, 2015

One cannot escape today the refrain that Europe is in crisis: economic, social, political and environmental. Yet there is no consensus on what defines this crisis. Even the meaning of the subject, “Europe”, is a matter […]

Phénoménologie et l´inconscient

Journée d´études

Date: le 19 mars. Adresse: 1, rue Jilská, Prague 1, salle nr. 124a

Filosofický ústav AV ČR – www.flu.cas.cz


Horizons Beyond Borders

Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe

17–19 June, 2015 Budapest, Hungary

Confirmed invited speakers include: Michael Gubser (James Madison University) George Heffernan (Merrimack College) Marci Shore (Yale University) Nicolas de Warren (KU Leuven)

Please send paper proposals BY THE EXTENDED DEADLINE OF MARCH 8, 2015

See more information here.
